
Devon Appliances deliver to selected locations within a 20 mile radius of EX12 2WH, Seaton and within a 20 mile radius of EX13 5DP, Axminster. Where a customer resides outside of this postcode radius we recommend contacting the store on 01297 23661 or 01297 302477 or email to discuss the delivery options.

Our Free Delivery Service only applies to addresses in selected postcodes.

Within our Free Delivery service we will deliver the product to a valid address and we will carry the product into a room of the customer’s choice providing it is straightforward and feasibly safe for us to do so. We will not remove packaging or modify/unpackaged products in order to fit through doorways or any other access points. Our delivery engineers reserve the right to refuse delivery to a particular room if it is not straightforward. In these instances we will leave the product in a front hallway or garage at both ours and the customer’s convenience.


Our Installation Service is an optional extra and the charges vary depending on the products that need to be installed and where possible is carried out by 2 delivery personnel.

Our Installation Service only includes connecting to existing points and fixings. This does not include installing or moving plumbing, connection points, electrics or fixings such as wall brackets. Installing new points or moving existing points is the customer’s responsibility. We are able to offer many of these at an additional cost or alternatively, we may recommend local tradesmen however this will be at the customer’s expense and we will not accept any liability for their work.

We do provide chargeable installation options for built-in appliances providing it is simply a case of fitting the appliance and furniture doors. Any additional work to the kitchen units or carpentry work required will need to be completed at the customer’s expense.

We reserve the right to refuse installation should our engineers think that the existing electrical or plumbing points are unsafe and in need of maintenance or if they are unable to install to existing furniture.

In situations where we have refused to complete the installation due for any reason, we will either complete the work at a later date if the situation allows or the cost of the installation service will be refunded in full and the delivery will revert to a free delivery only service or collection.

Delivery & Installation of ‘Connected’ Products

Installation of ‘connected’ products only includes linking the product to an existing wireless network to ensure the product is connected and working correctly.

If there are issues with the wireless network or there is no wireless network already installed our installation service does not include Installing and setting up a wireless network.

Disposal Service

Our disposal service only includes removal, transportation and recycling of old appliances. It does not include the disconnection of the old appliance.

The costs for disconnections are included within our Installation charges and as part of this service, we will disconnect old appliances and reconnect new appliances.

A customer may purchase a disposal service without an installation providing the appliance has been disconnected when our delivery engineers arrive and the product is left in an area with straightforward access for us to remove from the property.

Likewise, as part of an installation service we will disconnect old appliances and move to a reasonable location should the customer wish to dispose of it themselves.

Product Maintenance - The Customers’ Responsibility

With every product purchased we will always do our utmost to advise you how to get the maximum performance from your product, and provide support when things go wrong.

However, as the purchaser you have a responsibility to commit to understanding your new product, perform required updates and carryout any routine maintenance or cleaning to the product as detailed in the product manual.

We are unable to provide a free of charge service perform tasks which fall into the category of "general usage and maintenance" of the product.

Damage to Delivered Products - Returns

Unfortunately, on occasions, some products may be damaged straight out of the box. On occasions where we have delivered the product and damage is found when it is opened, Devon Appliances will only accept liability providing we are notified within 48 hours of delivery and provided all of the packaging is present and in its original condition.

Where damage is found and we are installing the products, we will repackage and return the product as soon as the damage is found and endeavor to get a replacement delivered and installed at the earliest opportunity.